Wesch Redefines “Distance Learning” With 冰岛ic Teaching Adventure

Dr. Wesch standing on the sand at edge of glacier with mountains in background

尽管我在太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站(太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站)结束全职心理学讲师的职业生涯时,已经准备好过一种相对平静的退休生活, multiple local and international challenges certainly altered this reality. 

在2019年,我开始与以前的学生,博士交谈. Zuilma Sigurthadottir, 为冰岛大学授课的事, 雷克雅未克的一所公立研究型大学, 冰岛.  我遇到了博士. Sigurthadottir当她还是南伊利诺伊大学的研究生时从我这里接受了一部分临床训练. 接受Ph值后.D.  东北大学, 她回到冰岛,开始在学校教书并提供许多行为分析服务, 诊所, 和医院. 我一直与Dr. Sigurthadottir through the Association for Behavior Analysis International since the 1980s. 

Dr. Sigurthadottir和我计划在退休后为冰岛大学行为分析硕士课程的一年级学生教授一门职业道德课程,该课程将于2020年秋季开始. 当然, as travel to 冰岛 was not possible due to COVID restrictions, our plan for me to teach a face-to-face class in 冰岛 was put aside. So, I adapted and began teaching online with 19 students participating through Zoom.

2021年春天, 我有机会前往冰岛,面对面地为冰岛大学的研究生讲授一门高级伦理研究课程. After being completely inoculated and taking multiple tests for COVID, 我于2021年8月来到雷克雅未克. 

此外,这门课还可以教授那些打算在研究生课程中做研究项目的学生, Dr. Sigurthadottir和她的丈夫非常友好,热情地接待了我,并与我分享了冰岛的美景. 我们游览了冰岛西部和南部的大部分地区, staying in farmhouses and hiking in the hills and along the Atlantic Ocean. 到处都是水, 冰川, 海洋和炎热的天气形成了鲜明的对比, 新墨西哥州的干燥夏天.

Dr. Wesch will continue to teach classes in Reykjavik on an occasional basis. He plans to teach the new class of graduate students in late May of 2022. He also hopes to tour both the North and the East of 冰岛 as well. “还有更多的美等着我们去体验,”Wesch惊呼道.


11月- 12月通讯员


Kristina Lacey holding a framed certificate and standing with Joe Rasor and Dr PendergraLori Cheney holding a framed certificate and standing with Joe Rasor and Dr Pendergrass

太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站名誉院长. 詹姆斯·亨德森对卓越的奉献精神将通过2018年为纪念他而设立的亨德森教学卓越奖继续存在多年.  由太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站院长Dr. 托尼·霍珀·彭德格拉斯, 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站向获得最高学术级别教授的教职员工颁发了奖章奖和装裱好的证书. 董事会主席Joe Rasor和Dr. 彭德格拉斯在2021年10月的董事会会议上向克里斯蒂娜·莱西和洛里·切尼颁发了奖项,以表彰他们的成就和对卓越教学的承诺, 学科专业知识, 并为学院服务.  这枚奖章是由太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站基金会慷慨提供的,将在毕业典礼上佩戴. 

11月- 12月通讯员

The Inspiration Behind The Diné Reader: An Anthology of Navajo Writers

Cover of Dine Reader against backdrop of Shiprock, 新墨西哥 with blue sky and clouds

在最近一次对SJC名誉教授的采访中. 康妮雅可布; and SJC graduate, Byron Aspaas; 克丽丝热泪盈眶, SJC英语讲师, 问他们太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站灵感的问题, creativity and collaboration that produced The Diné Reader: An Anthology of Navajo Writers. 

克丽丝热泪盈眶:康妮, 你能分享一下你对最终导致这本书出版的课堂和对话的记忆吗? 

康妮雅可布: When I was teaching at SJC, I always liked to include Diné poetry for students. In one class, I introduced the students to Hills Brothers Coffee by Luci Tapahonso. Later, a Diné student told me that he didn’t know there were Diné writers. 因为大约三分之一的SJC学生是本地人, it made me realize there was a need for an anthology of Diné writers so Navajo students, 特别是, could read and hear the voices of the poets and writers who write about them, 他们的历史, 他们的文化, 他们的生活. 这位年轻的迪奈尔学生就是拜伦·阿斯帕斯, who later attended the Institute of American Indian Arts after he graduated from SJC, and he is now a professional writer and one of the writers included in the Reader.

康妮雅可布我特别推荐Michael Thompson编写的“Introduction”和“资源 for Teachers and Readers”. The information found here informs of all of the works in The Diné Reader.

克丽丝热泪盈眶: Byron, once you learned of and read some of Luci Tapahonso’s poetry, what did you do next? 她的诗对你有什么启发? 

拜伦Aspass: 当我骑着自行车上山,穿过弯道时,我一直在想这个问题, wondering about that one moment of how Luci shared her story for those like me. 我有个好朋友叫我“葡萄干眼睛”,指的是Luci Tapahonso一首诗的名字. She said to me, “One day, you’re gonna be writing stories like Luci.” My friend saw something in me at that time—something I didn’t see in myself. 一开始,我承认我不理解Luci的作品. I remember reading her poems over and over trying to understand the humor my instructor, 康妮雅可布, 看到里面. 当我终于见到露西,听她朗诵她的诗, 我突然意识到,我隐藏了自己年轻时作为纳瓦霍人的部分——正是这些让露西的故事如此精彩的部分, 因此,风度翩翩. 

克丽丝热泪盈眶: Connie, what piece in the anthology has touched you the most?


拜伦Aspass这本选集是dindin_storymakers的集合体. 这是一个为年轻读者创建的链接,让他们从那些经历过他们现在所经历的世界的人的声音中找到熟悉. I hope The Diné Reader will allow young writers to reach out, 在我们创造的文字中寻找慰藉, and find their own voice as they continue into the next world. I tell people I never wanted to be a writer, somehow, I became one. 

克丽丝热泪盈眶: Byron, as a creative writer, how did you focus on creative non-fiction as your preferred genre? 

拜伦Aspass: Creative nonfiction chose me because I wanted to share my upbringings, 尤其是在我妈妈2010年去世之后. 在某种程度上, 我想和我的侄女和侄子们分享我的世界,他们从来没有充分体验过他们的祖母. 我没有意识到我的故事有一个重要的开始,因为这些变量把我和现在的我联系在一起. I did not know how or what I would be participating in if my SJC friend’s prediction came true. Connie heard my voice when she saw my words and she encouraged me to go further. I’m still learning to accept parts of me as I grow into a writer in 2021.

A celebration of The Diné Reader will be held on Wednesday, November 10, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. 在Connie Gotsch剧院(参加网络研讨会): http://sanjuancollege-edu.zoom.us/j/94109925088). 几位诗人和作家将分享他们的作品. 

11月- 12月通讯员

CHESS Partnership Proves an Educated Move to Better Serve Students

Collaborative for Higher 教育 Shared Services (CHESS) logo

为学生提供一条清晰的成功之路是太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站将共享的一个新的综合系统的重点, 克洛维斯社区学院, 新墨西哥中部社区学院, 北新墨西哥学院, 和圣达菲社区学院.

This partnership will change the higher education student experience, 以及企业运营等校园功能. 五所创始学院组成了非营利的高等教育共享服务合作组织(CHESS)。, 哪一个 provides opportunities to seek donations and apply for private, 州政府和联邦政府对综合系统的拨款. 

The integrated system will eliminate the need for multiple applications for student admission and registration; reduce duplication of student and employee records; streamline the student transfer process; provide academic programming and staff reinforcements when needed across colleges; increase interaction with prospective and current students, community members and business partners; and more. 而每个学院将保持其独立性, 5所大学将共享一个系统,同时在安全的环境中保护个人信息和管理数据. 

“我们对国际象棋的持续参与是一项战略性的业务要求,也是我们对改善我们所服务的学生和社区生活的制度性承诺的明显提醒,太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站院长Dr. 托尼·霍珀·彭德格拉斯.  在合作中向前迈进, 来自各院校的多个团队在特定领域具有专业知识,他们在一起工作了好几个月,制定了一份全面的征求建议书.  The collaborative reviewed proposals from qualified vendors and system implementors. 国际象棋董事会, 圣胡安大学董事会, 合作院校的董事会批准了与Workday的合作,以帮助实现共同愿景.

太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 is currently completing a major database migration. 这种迁移是在转换到共享服务软件之前必须完成的先决条件. 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站计划在2022年7月之前开始实施三到四年的共享服务软件.

“在接下来的一年, 我们的五所学院将启动高等教育中最具创新性和令人兴奋的举措之一,彭德格拉斯继续说道. “我们将与Workday合作,设计并实施一个新的多机构学生平台,以更好地为新墨西哥州的学生服务.” 

11月- 12月通讯员


Toni Pendergrass standing in front of hanging Navajo Rug wearing turquoise jewelry

The upcoming holidays are a time to celebrate family, friends, gratitude and giving.  Throughout this issue, you will see the many reasons we have to celebrate as a college. 

在这个版本的通讯员, we are celebrating the many accomplishments and achievements of our 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 family. 其中之一包括 康妮·戈奇剧院的盛大开幕. 在康妮·戈奇艺术基金会和私人捐助者的资助下,剧院得以翻修, 是由太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站基金会提供的. Connie Gotsch从1990年到2012年在太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站工作, 我们很高兴能在这样一个美丽的场所纪念她的遗产和对艺术的热情.

也, 本期, we are acknowledging and celebrating the commitment of our employees, 哪一个, 反过来, 启动并促进学生的成功. 第三页的那篇文章 特色的奖项给予他们的杰出的努力. 


说到成功,我们最近签了一份 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Western 新墨西哥 University (WNMU). This MOU will ensure a seamless transition for our students from SJC to WNMU. 计划转学的学生在SJC期间将有机会接触到WNMU的顾问和工作人员. 这是众多大学合作伙伴关系之一,这些合作关系将增强我们学生未来的成功. 

We are excited to announce that 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 will receive $1.在未来五年内投入1600万美元 三重奏教育机会中心 通过与美国的资助.S. 教育部. 本中心将提供支持, 大学入学咨询和信息, 同时为参与者提供经济援助方面的建议, 包括基本的财务规划技能, 并协助办理申请手续. 该中心每年将服务850名参与者.

祝贺卡西·弗兰克她被加冕为 Ms. 土著太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站,2021-22. 我鼓励你阅读更多太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站她的平台, 因为她是本学年太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的代表.

I invite you to attend an array of holiday activities including concerts and the 第42届SJC Luminaria年度展览,我们给社会的礼物.  These events are the perfect beginning to this festive time of year.

I wish you and your family all of the gifts of the season-Peace, Joy and Hope

11月- 12月通讯员